Mommy’s Home Office is kind of a semi-selfish passion project for me to create a safe place for moms to get support in their biz life and mommy life.
I want this to be a sanctuary for moms with no judgment. I’m going to have brutally honest mom conversations. That isn’t just the curated FB and Instagram feed that we all see and we all compare ourselves to.
In this podcast, I’m talking to the mom who doesn’t have to work for financial reasons. It would be perfectly fine for her to stay home (even if the kids are in school) and run the house and family.
This mom may not think that she has any skills that could translate into a biz. She may already have an idea but she has no idea where to start. Or she may already have a biz but she is exhausted and wishing there was an easier to manage her mommy biz life.
Because she loves her family with every fiber her being but there is also a longing or calling to do something more.
Something that doesn’t require yelling at kids, cooking 5 separate dinners for one meal, folding the mountains of laundry that never ends, being a chauffeur or having enough energy at the end of the day to give to your spouse too.
BUUUUT along with that longing feeling also comes truckloads of guilt. Mom guilt to be more precise.
Something happens to us when we have kids. It’s like all of a sudden there is this need to give your family 100% of your time and attention. That feeling is totally normal and let me tell you that’s not really good or healthy.
Don’t get me wrong there are times when you have to give 100% and you put yourself at the bottom of the list. Like when you have young kids, you are deep in the trenches and just in survival mode.
But when you’ve figured out how to survive (and trust me you will) It’s not good because we, as moms, end up coming last.
Not only does our health suffer for it but we also teach our kids that’s it’s ok, or worse even, that it’s expected of them to put themselves at the bottom of the list. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to teach my kids to be martyrs.
I want to teach them that if they want to help others that they have to put themselves and self-care at the top of the list.
Self-care can be a lot of things. To me it self-care looks like this podcast, my business, creating & serving others and moving my body, spa days and Netflix days). I want my kids to see that I take time to do the stuff that lights me up. So that I can lead by example.
Another huge thing that happens when we have kids is that we lose who we are as a person along the way. Our entire identity changes and sometimes we don’t even recognize the person we were before kids.
For me: I would hear a song or see an image or a photo and think to myself… “vintage Nichole.” My husband and I would actually call out “Vintage Nichole” anytime something like that happened. It was a little funny but mostly it would make me sad. I missed me.
Sooo, I started pouring myself into personal and professional development and finally came to the realization that it doesn’t have to be that way. I can still be me and be an awesome mom and wife. And that there’s zero reason for me to feel guilty about it.
I’m not saying that guilt doesn’t creep in every once in awhile but I can identify it and tell it to suck it.
So that’s who Mommy’s Home Office is for. It’s for me and all the other moms that feel like there’s something more that we are supposed to be doing besides just being a mom and wife.
If you resonate with this at all I would love for you to join me on this amazing journey of Mommy’s Home Office.