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7 Steps to Get Out of a Funk

We all get stuck in a funk sometimes.  

We have days when we wake up and just can’t muster the energy or motivation to get anything done.

I recently went through this, it’s miserable.

I really didn’t want to get out of bed.

At first, I thought maybe I was getting sick or fighting something off but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the case.

I gave myself a day to rest in case I was fighting something.

But when I felt the same way the next day, I knew it was just a funk.

A down feeling that I couldn’t shake.  

It’s summer, I don’t have a lot of time to get stuff done because of the kids’ schedule and vacations.

So I have to make the most of my time and this was really annoying me.

I made the decision to get out of the funk.

Here’s what I did to get out of it.

1. Drink water

I drank a big glass of water.  Most of us are dehydrated and our bodies are something like 70% water so it’s kind of important.  Your brain needs it to function.

2. Listen to a podcast or something that’s going to pump you up

This is one of the best ways to get myself out of a down slump.  By listening to James Wedmore, Abraham Hicks, Denise DT, or Tony Robbins you can’t help but get pumped up.  I told you in my last episode (28) that I was a closet woo woo person. ?

3. Get outside

While I’m listening to my pump up mix, I get outside.  Just being in the sunlight and fresh air help your body produce chemicals that make you feel good.

4. Breath

I take several deep breaths to pump more oxygen into my blood and get me going.

5. Move

To increase the slurry of feel-good chemicals, I move my body.  I’ll go on a walk, do a little yoga, workout, jump in the pool or even have sex.

6. Journal

After I do the past 5 things, then I take 5 minutes and write what’s going on in my head. I also write down 3 things that could make today great.  

7. Take action – no matter how little

Novelist say that they just sit down and write every day whether they feel the inspo or not.  


Accountability = Success


If you do have big goals and dreams for your online business and you want to set up a solid strategy to get you there don’t forget I have strategy calls and accountability packages.  You can check them out over at


Have a great week and I’ll catch you in the next episode.


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Thanks for Listening!


Check out the most recent episodes:

 5 Things I’m Afraid to Tell You

Top 10 Tools for Work At Home Moms

5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time

How to Make $10k a Month as a Virtual Assistant

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Special thanks to  Carson Baker for being an awesome sound engineer.  Until next time!

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