Mommy & Kid Routines That Make My Life Easier [Episode 37]
Back to school has been hard. These mommy and kid routines have made life more bearable in our house.
How I Plan My Yearly Calendar Based on the School Year [Episode 36]
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7 of My Favorite Instagram Tools [Episode 35]
How I run my Instagram feed.
I really do use all of these apps, some more than others but that’s with everything.
What to Expect: Having a Baby and an Online Biz with Sarah Siems [Ep 34]
Having a baby and a business isn’t easy. We are chatting with Sarah Siems of FitStyled.com about the lessons she learned and what she would do differently.
Local Marketing for Service-Based Business
Once you’re clear on who you are serving, it’s time for a visibility plan.
Think of it as a roadmap that will help more people find your business.
Balance is a Dirty Word [Episode 32]
I get asked all of the time by well-meaning people…
How do you balance working as a mom?
I stare back at them with a WTF look on my face and say “um, I don’t.”
I’m 40! Now What? 3 Things I Want to Change.
3 things that I want to work on now that I’m 40! It’s a good time to reflect and make changes.
4 Steps to Getting Back Into a Routine
Every single time I go on vacation or towards the end of summer I get a strong urge to get back on schedule and back into my routine.
7 Steps to Get Out of a Funk
We all have days when we wake up and just can’t muster the energy or motivation to get anything done.
5 Things I’m Afraid to Tell You [Episode 28]
I hope you still like me after reading or listening to this. I’m human just like you and I’m working to improve every day.
5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time [Episode 27]
Let’s kick ass during the time we are actually working. Here are my 5 strategies to get more done in less time.
Top 10 Tools for Work At Home Moms [Episode 25]
Here are my top tools for work from home moms. They might not be typical tools you’re used to hearing about but these have definitely made my life easier.
The Power of a Mastermind [Episode 24]
They say it takes a village to raise your kids well, I believe that it takes a village to raise your business too.
Today is all about support and having a village for your business. Have you ever heard of a mastermind group?
Mommyhood & Legalizing Your Business [Episode 23]
Christine and I will be digging into legalizing your business (#protectyourself), raising three kids under 3 while starting her virtual law firm and what it’s like to have a spouse that’s an entrepreneur too. Check it out!
Why I Think You Should Travel with Your Kids [Episode 22]
So take whatever romanticized idea of a family vacation and toss it right out. Traveling with your kids is not for the weak. But it is amazing and opens the world to them.
Do You Need A Momcation? [Episode 21]
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Online Business and the Mommy Juggle with Erin Chase [Episode 20]
Erin Chase talks about her mealing planning business and juggling the mommy life. Erin has been in the online business world since 2012 and she is the creator of $5 Dollar Dinners & Freeze Easy Meals.
10 Tools I Use to Produce This Podcast [Episode 19]
My top 10 podcasting tools. We are going to dive into the tools and equipment that I use to produce my podcast. There are so many podcasting tools out there that it can be overwhelming when starting a podcast. Today, we’ll cut through the overwhelm.
Creating a Content Strategy with Sarah Schwab [Episode 18]
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3 Things I Learned from Amy Porterfield that Changed My Life [Episode 17]
Amy Porterfield Changed My Life [queue eye roll ?] No, Really!!!.
I started listening to Amy Porterfield’s Marketing Made Easy podcast back in 2013.
She always had hands-on tactile advice.
How to Become Resilient with Stacy Brookman [Episode 16]
Today, I am going to chat with Stacy Brookman about how to become more resilient.
She and her students have overcome immense struggle today she is going to share how we as moms can become more resilient too.
Do You Need an Accountability Partner? [Episode 15]
Are you like me?
I have big dreams and set big goals. But actually working on them or taking action usually starts out great but then fizzles out?
Making the Transition from Corporate to Entrepreneur with Fabienne Raphael [Episode 14]
Corporate moms this one’s for you – whether you are currently a corporate mom or you come from a corporate background. Today, Fabienne and I will be digging into how to make the transition from corporate to entrepreneur and all the juicy bits that go into it. Check it out!
Top 5 Online Business Tools for Under $30 [Episode 13]
I get asked a lot about what tools I use to run Mommy’s Home Office so I’m going to be doing a few episodes about those tools.
Today we are going to talk about the absolute essentials for running an online business and a lot of them are free or under $30.
So let’s get to it!
How to Make $10k a Month as a Virtual Assistant [Episode 12]
Do you know what a virtual assistant is?
If you’ve been wondering what you can do to make money from home, then this is the episode for you.
Kayla talks about the ins and outs of virtual assistant work and how she earns $10,000 a month doing virtual assistant work.
How Finding Your Why Really is the Key to Your Success! [Episode11]
Finding your why is a journey that we all must go on. Whether it’s your reason from getting healthy, your reason for going back to school, your reason for being/or staying married or your reason for starting and running your own business.
Starting and running your own business is no joke.
Optimizing Your Facebook Ads with Monica Louie [Episode 10]
If you’ve been scared to run Facebook Ads or maybe you run ads now but you want to get lower CPCs, then listen up because Monica is demystifying Facebook ads for us in today’s episode.
You’re going to want to start running ads after hearing this conversation.
Branding and Design with Larken Lech [Episode 09]
Larken helps entrepreneurs create brands that they love. Ah-mazing!
Through her story, you’ll see that being a mom and going after your dream is totally possible.
She’s sharing the about cohesive branding, when you should do before hiring a branding expert and her biggest branding pet peeve.
Time Management – How I Get It All Done [Episode 08]
Moms let’s get real for a second. I’m not the best time manager.
Time management has been a struggle for me. Plus, I’m a serial procrastinator.
Juggling the kids, the house, the husband, and two businesses is not an easy feat.
Freedom Through Freelancing with Micala Quinn [Episode 07]
Live Free Mama helps moms get started in their freelancing career so that they can experience freedom and flexibility while raising their family.
She’s sharing the ideas about what’s possible for moms, how anyone can freelance and her biggest tip to getting clients.
Automating Your Home Life – Part 2 [Episode 06]
Ok, so I’m not gonna lie.
This is an area that I struggle with and it wasn’t until I had kids that I finally was able to delegate it.
Plus, I have four boys in the house so keeping bathrooms clean is a disgusting never-ending battle.
Automating Your Home Life – Part One [Episode 05]
Today’s topic will benefit you whether you have a biz already or not because we are going to talk about my biggest time sucker…
Food, grocery shopping, and meal planning.
10 Ways to Find Time to Work When Your Kids are Home [Ep 04]
If you’re anything like me, when your kids are around it’s super hard to get anything done.
Cleaning, organizing, or anything that isn’t about them, especially working or having 10 minutes of quite to say record a podcast… is virtually impossible.
I Already Have A Business BUT It Needs To Be Easier! [Episode 03]
How to manage your biz and make it work with your life using systems!
In today’s episode, I want to talk about how to manage your biz and make it work with your life using systems. Systems and processes are one of my favorite things.
I Have an Idea. Now What? [Episode 02]
I have an idea but how do I start to make money with it?
Ok so once you have your idea or maybe you’ve had an idea but didn’t know where or how to start.
Well, you can start in a couple of different ways and there are loads of ways to make the money.
Help! I Need an Idea! [Episode 01]
So today we are going to talk about coming up with an idea for a work at home biz. I’m going to cover my top 5 different types of work at home opportunities. Some of which you may not even know that you can make money doing these things.
What is Mommy’s Home Office? [Episode 00]
Mommy’s Home Office is kind of a semi-selfish passion project for me to create a safe place for moms to get support in their biz life and mommy life.
I want this to be a sanctuary for moms with no judgment. I’m going to have brutally honest mom conversations. That isn’t just the curated FB and Instagram feed that we all see and we all compare ourselves to.